Thursday, October 21, 2010

I had a fun time hanging out with some friends I'm not really close with. Even though, yes it annoying because some of them keep touching my body. Guys and girls alike. I'm a little disturbed by it. However it was still great fun just to hang out with no agendas.

Throughout this outing I was talking to a guy who I can click rather well with. Him also being a good friend to one of my closest friends so I decided to share some of my issues with him as he was sharing with me his. So we began to open up to one another. As I shared with him some of my issues. He paused and said this, I can hear your pain just by you telling me.

As he said that I wonder, how is it that someone whom I am not particulary close to could hear and sense my pain. And those whom I see every week could hardly even feel it?

I wonder if the very person who caused me this much pain would even know it. Or even if this person would even feel guilty or sad about it. I guess not.
I wonder if those who have given me the heaviest burdens knows that I am in fact also drowning from the combined load of my own issues and theirs?

I think I understand now why some people turn to alcohol abuse. Sticks and stones might kill me but whiskey never does.

But more than that, I know that My God is more than enough for me.

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